Friday, February 27, 2015

Seasons of a Seed an Introduction to Seedtime and Harvest Post#1

There are many preachers out there that are basically teaching, that a widely understood process of nature is all you have to practice, in order to get your needs met. Be it your health, finances, relationships, etc... Whatever the need, they claim that participating in this simple process, will virtually garauntee you, your desired result. What I'm referring to is a teaching called seedtime & harvest or as it's commonly referenced, seed faith. And I would agree... and disagree.

Why I Agree

Now I'm by no means a farmer. The only 'growing' experience I have to date was a tiny little garden my wife & I planted a while back. So let's all throw technicalities aside for a bit. That said, before a seed even comes to exist, there has already been a considerable amount of happenings take place. For instance, an already mature plant must be pollinated & then fertilized. Then, a seed will be produced & can be collected and used for growing more plants. Hello again science class (:
Which is a general explanation of how the process works. As you see, just like everything else in a wisely wired world, this part alone is 'poetry in motion'. But it's only the beginning. So yes, I agree that planting seed creates a crop, ergo, you will reap what you sow...sowing a seed does lead to a harvest. 

Why I Disagree

The bible does in fact tell us repeatedly in many variations that we reap what we sow. So they are on course with the promise of this truth. Unfortunately it's just not that simple. It's not the whole story. It's like the salesman that says 'this motor has zero miles on it' or 'all of the flooring in this house has been re-done, it's brand new.' Yeah, right! What they're failing to disclose it that the original motor & flooring were ruined by flood waters or fire! Because saying that would create suspicion, raise questions and potentially stop a sale cold. I'm not saying that people are being intentionally misleading, just that in having watched many of such teachings on television myself, you don't really get the complete picture of what seedtime and harvest truly require.

Like the salesman I mentioned, we'd be less than forthcoming to teach green, prospective farmers that all they had to do was put their seed of choice in the ground, believe for a harvest & in time they'd have the yield of their life. NOT! Neither can we as believers present a half truth to new innocent seekers. I'm afraid that a mixed message like this can come across when we sit in on one of these plea sermons that entice the listener with this type of communication. And as Christians, we need to avoid even the appearance of being deceptive. I'm also hopeful that these teachers are giving expanded lessons on campus for their congregants. I'm sure they are. My hope is for us is that we could do the same here... Broaden our view of this God given principle of seed & harvest, reaping and sowing to see what is required and maybe find ourselves in the process somewhere.

So stick around! In the following post, we'll look at what I'm calling the 'Seasons of a Seed' & learn how we can apply them to our lives in order to reap spiritual (and maybe monetary) harvests like we've never known!

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What are your thoughts and experiences with seedtime & harvest? I'd love to hear about it!

Hopefully this helps the growth within, come out


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