
Friday, March 13, 2015

Perspective, Vision- Lessons From a 4yr. Old and a Friend

 If you've been a parent for least a week, you've undoubtedly been taught a life lesson by your little one. They bring such wisdom, without ever knowing it. My son at four years of age now, has given me some amazingly insightful nuggets that I think about periodically.

Like when he and I were headed home from one of our usual stores. For some reason, I chose to go home a different way that day and my observant little man, noticed. He first asked me why? If you don't know, this is a toddler's most favorite word in the dictionary...literally. I'm not sure what my reply was because I really don't remember why I took an alternate route. I just did. This 'new' route, was probably more convenient, and while familiar to me, it was new to him. As he looked around, he became abnormally amazed. Not at some glorious lights or fun looking kid places, there was really nothing of excitement to mention on this particular street, just businesses, cars & some convenience stores. Not even a golden arch! Just normal stuff. It wasn't normal to him though. He began to shout out all the things he was seeing as if he'd long dreamed of them.

He gave me... a new, set of eyes that day.

Fast forward a few months, to a conversation with a friend named G. You know how all young boys dream of being a pilot one day, he actually is a pilot. A real pilot of real, full sized planes. Well, in random conversation, I asked him how work was, you know, man talk. And I was enlightened even further by his response as he said with the biggest smile, "It's great, the view is always changing!" Wow! First, I'll admit, I was a bit jealous because when I go to work I typically see the same old things. But I quickly became happy, because he was happy & I began to piece together that I was being taught something through my four year old & my friend about perspective & vision .

What I Learned From My Son About Perspective

1. There is freedom in breaking away from the usual. Routine things can blind you and rob you of invaluable excitement.

2. Doing things differently, opens you up to new experiences. Doing the same things will always bring, the same results.

3. Even the smallest change can make the ordinary, extraordinary. Don't be afraid to change even the 'little' things, because they can breath new life into... your life.

4. Sometimes, it takes someone else to help us see things in ways that we couldn't visualize on our own.

What I Learned From My Friend About Vision

1. The pilot is in control & his view... should be your view, just from a slightly different angle.

2. When the view is changing, you're making progress towards your destination. You're getting closer. Gaining Ground.

3. When the view is changing you can now, explore more options. Don't put blinders on yourself. By keeping your sights active you become exposed to potential opportunities that you would have otherwise missed because you had a stationary focus.

With God All Is Visible

It has been said that the only thing constant is change. I would have to agree with this statement. In fact, I believe it's so true in life, that instead of embracing change with anticipation of what good it can bring, it causes us to simply...wait... for inevitable change that may or may not be attractive to us. It's the difference between being alive, and living. They're completely opposite ideals. Anyone who is breathing air under there own capacities, is technically alive. But to live, implies that you are in pursuit of the most full experience available to you. A no regrets kind of experience... With God, all things are visible. When we base our perceptions upon the reality that we are passengers under the guidance of an all seeing pilot, we are more likely to see with a new set of eyes. We will surely try not to be too focused on an isolated situation because we know that there is movement taking place behind the scenes. We won't be afraid or ashamed of our minute advancements, because we're aware that any forward advancement, is good, advancement....  If you've become imprisoned by the routines of life, break free. Recognize that The Pilot, will share his view with you. And in that, is new life, opportunity & new eyes for life. Like my son you'll be amazed by the many fresh sights that flood your peripherals, because like my friend, God's view is always changing!
Scripture References: Hebrews 4:13 & II Corinthians 4:18

What would you add about perspective & vision?

Hopefully this helps the growth within, come out


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