
Thursday, November 27, 2014

The True Reason For Their Thankfulness

Any of us could run down a list of things that we're thankful for. Family, friends, health, wealth, and rock and roll!  The lists would probably be pretty common.  The idea of the Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally taught along the lines that the Pilgrims were so misfortuned. That they faced such harsh conditions to reach a 'new world'. And yet, they celebrated anyway. I don't necessarily think this is an erred analysis, I do think that we don't fully grasp the true reason they were so thankful.

They weren't grateful simply for food or even friends and family per se.... These were people who made a collective decision to stand against what they considered injustice. And it was a decision that brought on tough circumstances.  They left comfort...for cold...plenty...for poverty...shelter...for shoreline. 

So Why would anyone choose such conditions?

The easy answer, God. They wanted religious freedom. The more abstract answer...they had met a God... who was different than what was expected, than what others had experienced. This God, was 'new'. And they had to start a 'new' way of interacting with him, of representing him. Even, even if that meant facing death.  See I believe they were thankful because they had such a profound encounter with God that their resolve was unshakable.

Thankful for food, shelter, family, freedom. Yes. But I think they were so over joyed to realize that the creator of everything had stirred them in such an uncommon way in order to achieve such an unlikely thing. If God has ever directed you to do something un-ordinary, you know what I mean.

As you eat some good food, laugh with some good friends, and think of all the good things you're thankful for, I dare you to do one of two things:

1. Purpose within yourself to meet such a God that would call you to the challenge of the uncommon, the unlikely.

2. Then be thankful in the midst of that daunting challenge, knowing that he will indeed see you through.

Not only am I thankful for my own uncommon challenge, I am thankful for you.  For the time you spend here, the conversations you start. And for the encouragement that you leave me with. So, Thanks for everything!

Happy Thanksgiving!


P.S. I hope you enjoy the new layout. Click through the pages, tell me what you think, what you would add.


  1. Cool new layout! I am thankful for the way God is using your writing to affirm in me that I am following Him. We need the reminder that the one true God calls us to do uncommon things, bold things, make other people scratch their head things, the kind of things He has shown us in His Word. Upon a peaceful assurance of lining up with His Word for His Kingdom and Righteousness, we should go for these uncommon endeavors! Thanks Rodney for letting Him use you as one of His amazing instruments! Keep pressing on!

    1. Doug, thanks for your comment. I appreciate the encouragement. You bring a great point, the scriptures are full of examples of a God who expects the uncommon. The message of the bible itself is counterintuitive and has been uncommon since the beginning of mankind. Fortunately for us, He still desires to utilize us for greater purposes than we could ever imagine accomplishing on our own. And I agree, if God gives the green light, go for it!
