Thursday, October 23, 2014

Knowing God's Voice In 3 Simple Steps

    We're told by every pastor we've sat under, every person of faith we know, and the bible itself to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance. However, from my experience no one has ever been able to tell me plainly, how to "know the voice of God". They may say things like " it's different for everyone, you just have to trust" or " it has to do with the feeling in the pit of your stomach." I've even heard people say "listen to the inner part of yourself." But what does that even mean and better yet, how do you do it?

    The bible does give us direction as to how to be in tune with the spirit. Things like study, prayer, and even trusting the wise counsel of others. All of these suggestions have proven value. I don't know about you but where I become uncertain is in the times when the word has great moral & ethical information but I'm not so sure how to turn it into application...for a 21century decision.  What I mean is that sometimes it's not a question of character, it's more about personal purpose or direction...for today. Which sometimes people just don't have an answer. Prayer. Well prayer is always a great tool, the only problem is that whole recognizing the answer part. Which then brings us back to the beginning... How do you know you've heard from God?

    I'm sure you may think I have the answer. And as much as I'd like to say I do... I don't. Truth is, it is different for everyone, knowing what's already recorded in scripture will help you & trusting godly advice is always good practice. So I can't tell you how you should hear Him. I do, however, have a sure-fire developmental exercise that will help you learn exactly, how God desires to communicate with you directly. Again, I'm not talking about ethical boundaries and such. I'm referring to the times when you need to know; should I make that financial investment, change my career path, or how about this biggie, how do I raise my children to value God? Those are the questions we really need answered. And you can get answers if you know how to hear His voice.

     So, that exercise, it's simple. Follow these 3 steps & you'll be confidently hearing the voice of God in no time. Here they are:

  1. Let God know that you want to hear Him clearly. This show humility & dependence which we all need whenever we need help, especially from God!
  2. Ask Obvious questions to get obvious answers. As you go thru your day & character tests come up, ask God what to do EVEN though you already know the answer. Such as "should I take those 15 extra minutes for lunch break, no one will know" or " I'm just going to look at this website once, is that ok." Sounds ridiculous, I know. But what it does is heightens your awareness of how you can expect the Spirit to nudge you personally. 

    The first two steps will definitely get you there but for a bonus;
     3.  A "yes" or "no" is ALL you need!  God sees your life from start to finish, all at once. So He      knows the choices we will face & the answers. If this is true we only need To ask Him yes or no questions in order to develop a pattern of communication. Once we've established that pattern we will then be open to the more life specific directive promptings that He has in store.

    When I discovered this method, I chose to specifically ask for ONLY an indication of a "yes" answer. (I'll talk about how God's answer is always yes at a later time) What I mean is that I would ask God "should I do ____________. " If the "signal"  wasn't there, I took that as God saying no. (I didn't ask for a specific signal, there was just a certain thing that seemed to always happen during my prayer time that I adopted as God's signal to me) I should mention that this may take some time & will certainly take some diligence on your part but I know it has for me. God speaks in many ways, some in the bible had dreams, Moses had the burning bush, Gideon had his fleece, Jonah was trapped in a fish, Paul was struck blind & Thomas had to put his hands in the wounds of the crucified Christ before he believed the others.

    What about you? What do you have? How do you know God is communicating with you? I'd love to hear. I'd also love to know the outcome after you follow these 3 simple steps to know the voice of God. Start the discussion, leave a comment.

Hopefully this helps the growth within, come out

  • Rodney


  1. I will be practicing these steps!
    In addition, when I have felt like I heard or thought something prompted by God, I like to test that voice or thought. I ask "who is Jesus?" If I hear back that Jesus is Lord - He is the Christ - He is the Son of God who came to earth, died on the cross and was raised 3 days later - then I will follow! If I hear nothing back or anything to the contrary - I do not follow. Thank God for His grace and patience with me as I still ask "are you sure?" Sometimes! �� I then ask for His courage and boldness, since much of His promptings are outside my comfort zone. Thank you Rodney for following the Holy Spirit's prompting in writing this blog.

    1. "Who is Jesus"... That's awesome! I like the sound of that. Thanks for you're comment Doug.

  2. I will be using these steps! I appreciate all the insight and experience that you share. You are definitely a blessing in more ways then one.

  3. I will be using these steps!

  4. Thank you for sharing it was truly a blessing for me and gave me a greater insight on hearing from God. We have to remind ourselves sometimes to be patient and still after going to him so we know that it is him we are hearing from.
