
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Knock Knock

Knock knock.
Who's there?...
Hopefully you still are(;

Most of us have been locked out of something before. Maybe it was our vehicles, house, online accounts... name it. In any of these situations we are usually trying to accomplish a goal and are prevented from doing so because we lack the 'key' needed for access. This can be extremely irritating because often, our very sustenance is jeopardized since we can not access that which we need. And sometimes, others even suffer because of our inability to gain entry.

Which is a topic all its own.

Jesus said in the gospel of Luke Chapter 5,  'ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you.'

Do you also find it interesting that He chose to state 3 different ways of making a request... ask, seek, knock. My initial question is, why? If Jesus was speaking of making a single request, why illustrate it in 3 different ways? If you're familiar with the passage you know that the scripture doesn't specify. I believe these directives to be in reference to one request. That is each and every request we make to God. I believe they are a progression of what trusting God with our request(s) looks like...our faith in action if you would.

...Asking is our prayer or conversation making our request known with the father

...Seeking is us searching(living) expectantly for what we've asked for

...Knocking is us requesting to enter when we have found what we've asked for...
or better... when God has provided or brought us to the doorstep of what we've asked for

The caution would be that sometimes we don't know what to ask. When there is a barrier between us and something we need, we don't always know how to get rid of it. Which is where knowing God's voice and when he'll say yes come into importance as I've written about previously.

It's been some time since Life Shared last communicated with you. I apologize for the absence and would like to 'knock'....hoping to find you on the other side. Hoping to find you still living in Christ, tackling today while looking forward to tomorrow. Our father has good gifts he wants us to have. In order to receive these gifts we must pursue them by taking the actions of faith mentioned here. Further, we must understand that we can have direct access to the father thru Christ, and we must also be aware of what our need is enough to articulate them. (Luke 5:11-13)

 Let's ask , seek, and knock for our gifts & to be that gift for others in 2020

What are you experiencing when it comes to receiving from God?

Helping the growth within, come out


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